LOan Ked4i
@Tahun dibuat 2012
@2012 年
Doc lengkap nama clear boleh cuba full loan kereta harga !!!!
Nie kereta hanya buat loan shj, Klau cash lain harga ya. Sila hubungi sales team kita ya. Harap Maklum !!!
This can only for loan ya. If cash diff price ya. Pls contact sales team ya. thxz alot !!!!
❎Failed to apply loan 银行申请贷款失败
❎High commitment 负担过高
❎Lack of Document 资料不足
❎Ctos & CCris, Blacklist 黑名單
❎X License X Salary slip X EPF 没有公积金,没薪水单
We provide 我们提供:
☑️Best used car with the best price 品质好价格实惠的二手车
☑️Trade-in car are welcome 高价收购汽车
☑️Fast loan approval 快速申请贷款
☑️Loan provided for customer with insufficient doc 提供贷款给资料不足的顾客
☑️Loan provided for blacklist customer 提供贷款给黑名单者