Own a premium car at an affordable price. Purchase premium used-car with guaranteed quality from Sime Darby Auto Selection.
We have various brands and models, with the following features:
Accident free
Genuine mileage (not manipulated)
360 degree check
Low charges for transfer fee
Free detailing from carnauba
For your peace of mind, we provide:
High trade-in value
Door to door service
Up to 90% loan
Low interest rates from our panel bank (T&C applies)
Fast service
Salary earner
* Photocopy IC & driving licence
* 3 month salary slip
* 3 month bank statement or latest EPF statement
Commission earner
* Photocopy IC & driving licence
* 6 month salary slip
* 6 month bank statement/ latest EPF statement/ latest BE form and income tax receipt
Business owner
1) Photocopy IC & driving licence
2) SSM
3) 6 month company statement or latest income tax and receipt.